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- /* SampleView.h */
- #ifndef Included_SampleView_h
- #define Included_SampleView_h
- /* SampleView module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* SampleStorageDisplay */
- /* FixedPoint */
- /* Screen */
- /* Memory */
- /* SampleConsts */
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "FixedPoint.h"
- #include "SampleConsts.h"
- #define MINIMUMHORIZSCALE (0.001)
- struct SampleViewRec;
- typedef struct SampleViewRec SampleViewRec;
- /* forwards */
- struct SampleStorageDisplayRec;
- /* create a new sample view that will display the specified storage object. */
- SampleViewRec* NewSampleView(WinType* Screen, OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height,
- struct SampleStorageDisplayRec* TheRawData);
- /* dispose of the sample view. the raw data object is also disposed. */
- void DisposeSampleView(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* redraw one displayed sample line, at the specified X coordinate */
- void RedrawSampleViewOneLine(SampleViewRec* View, OrdType XPixel);
- /* redraw the entire sample view area */
- void RedrawSampleView(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the left edge of the sample view area */
- OrdType GetSampleViewXLoc(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the top edge of the sample view area */
- OrdType GetSampleViewYLoc(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the width of the sample view area */
- OrdType GetSampleViewWidth(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the height of the sample view area */
- OrdType GetSampleViewHeight(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the number of bits that the sample storage object has */
- NumBitsType GetSampleViewNumBits(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the number of channels that the sample has */
- NumChannelsType GetSampleViewNumChannels(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the number of sample frames in the sample */
- long GetSampleViewNumFrames(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return one point from the sample array. for mono samples, WhichChannel must be */
- /* eMonoChannel. for stereo samples, it must either be eRightChannel or eLeftChannel */
- largefixedsigned GetSampleViewValue(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- ChannelType WhichChannel);
- /* return the index of the leftmost displayed sample frame */
- long GetSampleViewXOffset(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the scaling factor (zoom in/out). large numbers are compress more. */
- double GetSampleViewHorizontalScale(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* get the start point of the selection */
- long GetSampleViewSelectStart(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* get the end point of the selection */
- long GetSampleViewSelectEnd(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return the number of frames that are currently displayed. */
- long GetSampleViewNumVisibleFrames(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* return True if the data has been modified since the last time it was saved */
- MyBoolean DoesSampleViewNeedToBeSaved(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* returns True if there is a selection or False if there is an insertion point. */
- MyBoolean SampleViewIsThereValidSelection(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* move the sample view to a new location and redraw */
- void SetSampleViewLocation(SampleViewRec* View, OrdType XLoc,
- OrdType YLoc, OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* change the number of bits the sample is stored as */
- MyBoolean SetSampleViewNumBits(SampleViewRec* View,
- NumBitsType NewNumBits);
- /* change the number of channels the sample has */
- MyBoolean SetSampleViewNumChannels(SampleViewRec* View,
- NumChannelsType NewNumChannels);
- /* change the value of one sample point. this does not redraw the screen */
- void SetSampleViewValue(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- ChannelType WhichChannel, largefixedsigned NewValue);
- /* change the index into the sample that is being displayed. */
- void SetSampleViewXOffset(SampleViewRec* View, long NewXOffset);
- /* change the horizontal scaling factor */
- void SetSampleViewHorizontalScale(SampleViewRec* View,
- double NewHorizontalScale);
- /* set a selection. if the selection is invalid, it will be corrected. */
- void SetSampleViewSelection(SampleViewRec* View, long Start, long End);
- /* make sure the selection is correct (i.e. not out of range) */
- void SampleViewValidateSelection(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* clear the not-saved flag. this is called when the file is saved */
- void SampleViewHasBeenSaved(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* make a copy of the data in NewData & store it in the current sample. NewData is */
- /* not disposed. */
- MyBoolean SampleViewSetContents(SampleViewRec* View,
- struct SampleStorageDisplayRec* NewData);
- /* insert a zero area into the sample. returns True if successful. */
- MyBoolean InsertSampleViewArea(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- long NumFramesToInsert);
- /* delete an area from the sample. returns True if successful. */
- MyBoolean DeleteSampleViewArea(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- long NumFramesToDelete);
- /* extract a section of the sample & return a new sample object containing it. */
- struct SampleStorageDisplayRec* ExtractSampleViewSection(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- long NumFramesToExtract);
- /* insert a sample into our sample at a specified point. returns True if successful */
- MyBoolean InsertSampleViewSection(SampleViewRec* View, long Index,
- struct SampleStorageDisplayRec* DataToInsert);
- /* get a copy of the specified channel as an array of fixedpoint numbers */
- largefixedsigned* SampleViewGetChannelFixed(SampleViewRec* View,
- ChannelType WhichChannel);
- /* store a new array of data into the sample (replacing old contents). returns */
- /* True if successful. this can only be used for mono samples. */
- MyBoolean SampleViewPutMonoFixed(SampleViewRec* View, largefixedsigned* Data);
- /* store new arrays of data into the sample (replacing old contents). returns True */
- /* if successful. this can only be used for stereo samples. */
- MyBoolean SampleViewPutStereoFixed(SampleViewRec* View, largefixedsigned* Left,
- largefixedsigned* Right);
- /* the user is responsible for calling undo routines; none of the routines in */
- /* this package call them. */
- /* flush undo information. */
- void SampleViewFlushUndo(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* save the current sample configuration into the undo information. */
- MyBoolean SampleViewSetupForUndo(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* find out if it is possible to restore state to the last SampleViewSetupForUndo() */
- MyBoolean SampleViewUndoAvailable(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* attempt to undo. returns True if successful. this call swaps the current sample */
- /* state with that saved from the last call to SampleViewSetupForUndo(). */
- MyBoolean SampleViewUndo(SampleViewRec* View);
- /* get the actual raw sample data */
- largefixedsigned* SampleViewGetActualRawData(SampleViewRec* View);
- #endif